Tuesday, 21 February 2012

My Taipei Trip: 3

It was a real cold and rainy day at Taipei and I have made my way to visit this new arty area at Shun Yi area (very close to 101) called Good Cho's《好,丘》. The meaning of this name is "good choice". Quoted from their offical blog: "我們希望在《好,丘》複合餐飲生活空間,你可以獨自享受,可以呼朋引伴,更可以將各種美好打包,與更多人分享。然後你會發現,好,原來不是發生在某一個剎那,而是來自於日子裡的慢慢累積。不論天氣陰晴,歡迎你來《好,丘》,品嚐好日子。" The whole structure has this loft-like setting, inside it there is this lifestyle cafe with bar setting with antique food furnitures, also a few table setting with tatami! Here they promote a lot of local design and handmade items, also organic food. You can get a wide range of Taiwan made souvenirs from food to home accessories at the little shop.
The lifestyle cafe is famous for bagel! So many different surprising favor of bagels, you can see hardworking kids making them on site and every staff there is so energetic and helpful & friendly. I took a sit at the bar table and have ordered my latest favourite: hot roselle (洛神花) tea and scones! I just totally fallen in love with scones lately and I always craving for one without reason!
Many different favor bagels available. I'll go there with empty stomach next time, heard that their breakfast is good too!!!
This is the roselle(洛神花) tea I have been talking about! It taste super good compare!!! the foam on top is so smooth, I wish i can make this at home coz I cant go to Taipei too often :P
The scone at Taipei is a bit different to the conventional British kind. This one more like a cookie but taste good too!!! I can see Taiwanese they love "tea time" very much! 地址:台北市松勤街54號 (信義公民會館C館~~原四四南村) 電話:02-27582609 http://tw.streetvoice.com/users/goodchos/ 時間:AM11:00-PM10:00

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